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Our Projects

Our Services

IMG TIT All Platform Software Development

Creating Android and Desktop Computer Applications for any kind of business requirement We develop MySQL Database and Java base Applications

Rate (Rs.): 45,000.00 or higher

IMG TIT CCTV Camera and Networking

We provide CCTV Camera installation and computer networking services.

Rates can be change according to Job nature

IMG TIT Computer Updates & Repair

Formatting Windows 7,8,10 Drivers Installation (Any Brand) BIOS Handling Software Installations Hardware bug fixing Computer repair (Hard works more than one day work)

Rate : 2,000.00 or higher

IMG TIT Data Entry (Daily)

System Data Entry (Any kind) Work Period 9.00 - 16.30

Rate : 2,000.00 or higher

IMG TIT Visiting & Computer Handling

Computer Basic Software Installations Basic Hardware bug Fixing and repairing Computer upgrades and assembling Computer repair (Day works)

Rate : 2,000.00 or higher

IMG TIT Developed Software Updates

We update our software’s any time as you wish. We update new features and add any of your new requirements for the system.

Rate : 1,800.00 or higher
*Above Rates can be change according to different matters and rates are showing by Sri Lnakan ruppees.

Our Clients

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